Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pod Cast Assignment for Jan 31

Smart Board Lessons Podcast
I think the information was very useful and well thought out. There was several points the commentator made on the usefulness of these smart boards in the classroom. One being the option of audio conferencing, also to mention if there are any delays in the meeting it could be recorded and edited for better quality. The smart board could also be used by class rooms to get ideas from one another for students and teachers. For example if there is an interest in over seas studies there is a window that shares the classroom experience. Also this technology makes it easy to collaborate with other professionals in your field of interest.

Kid Cast #62
In this pod cast, video casting is talked about, for an example if an audience does not share through verbal interaction the video still can be used as a mean of communication. For example videos capture the facial expressions in a reaction. This also allows complex subjects to be better understood in a video demonstration. By these advantages of video, when students participate they to are developing greater communication skills. As far as involvement, video editing and resources are more time consuming than audio.

Ed TechTalk #158
This pod cast talked about the issue of a bill being passed in congress to expand the availability of broad internet nation wide. Although I am not familiar with specifics of the bill, the just of it is important, being that there be a federal plan set in motion to provide broadband internet service to rural areas throughout the United States. Also allowing more competition among providers to offset costs.

Mac Break Weekly #186
Topics up for discussion in this pod casts were the I-Pad vs. Mac Pro, and Palm vs. I-Phone. Although I do not own any of these products was able to get some useful insight on how big businesses either hit it big or flop when releasing these products on the market. For example the hosts hit on issue like how one product might flop due to its lack of financial backup. Meaning if a company can not dish out the cash needed to fix unseen problems after a product is released, then they will not be competitive nor remain popular with consumers when newer products come on the market.

This Week in Photography #140
Well although I have no experience with photo-shop or even cameras that you don't have to wind for that matter, I was still able to get some useful info from this podcast. These guys and lady talked about and explain to the audience what to expect from different photography trade shows. For example the PMA vs. WPPI trade show which WPPI is based on what to do to make money from your photography and how to do it. All and all, this podcast shared different experiences of the hosts which they all concluded that trade shows are predominately there for the networking aspects

1 comment:

  1. I agree video is more timely than audio. First it is the whole visual thing so you are concerned about what is going on around you in a video and how you look where as in audio you select record and you are well on your way.
