Monday, April 12, 2010

Project 6 Skype

I think this is an amazing service, not only is Skype free but it is fast and user friendly. Skype allowed me to get in contact with an old friend from back home in North Carolina. Since Leigh and I both used a wireless connection we were able to give each other tours of our home and I was introduced to her two year old baby girl Emma. I am very excited about continuing my use of Skype and hope to get more friends in other parts of the country involved.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenneth, that's a really good idea to give a tour of your home using skype and your wireless computer. I'll be skyping a lot after I have my baby, it'll be pretty cool for my husband to be able to say goodnight to the little one when he's out of town for work. I completely agree with you when you say that Skype is an amazing service. I wish I would have been able to find out about it sooner. I guess it's better late than ever though.
